From: "Rev. Robert Rahn (by way of Rev. Eric J. Stefanski, )" To: Subject: CLIMB: FW: CHRISTMAS GREETINGS FROM SUDAN Date: Friday, November 02, 2001 12:54 PM Subject: CLIMB: FW: CHRISTMAS GREETINGS FROM SUDAN Sent: 12/24/1920 8:33 PM Received: 12/30/2000 12:40 PM From: Rev. Robert Rahn, To: Confessional Lutherans in Missionary Boldness, Greetings, I am forwarding a Christmas message received from Andrew. It may be of interest and also humbling. I think of his request for a four wheel drive ($35,000.00) in his 2001 budget. We asked him to remove it and also a $15,000.00 item for a Risograph and that we might be able to secure these items outside the budget. We could not handle the nearly $200,000.00 goal in the 2001 ELCS request and removed them. I suggested he think of a used vehicle in the range of $20-25,000 and he agreed. We consider the Risograph a priority and have raised some of the funds for that already. We are going to move on faith and send him the funds and hopefully have our account replenished by gifts designated. It is possible that the church can do some commercial printing for income, at least it is their plan. This church is a noble example of wanting to do what they can for themselves, but just can't achieve the full need now that they have also added a seminary to their expense list. If you can help, consider it a request from the Lutheran Christians in Sudan, not from LHF. We can deliver the cash even as we deliver the news of a Savior Who is Christ the Lord. May the Lord grant you a blessed New Year. R.Rahn -----Original Message----- From: Andrew Mbugo Elisa [] Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 10:50 AM To: Cc:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: CHRISTMAS GREETINGS FROM SUDAN Dear Brethren in the Lord, It gives me pleasure to write this Christmas greetings from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sudan to you, your families and all the members of your Church. In our african tradition, we strongly believe that, congratulation messages are delivered or given after the even has taken place. Hence, I waited for the birth of our Lord and King before sending out Christmas good wishes. On another hand, it might be too much business keeping me from sending greetings as witnessed by brother Pekka and Quirk who have spent some days in Sudan. I am left now with few hours and will be driving 550 miles to Blue Nile state and will take a donkey for another 17 miles trying to reach over 100 people who are now prepared to receive the sacrament of baptism on Sunday December 31st, 2000. We are closing the year 2000 by adding more than 100 to our number in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sudan. I was to leave yesterday for the state, but security report asked me to wait until confirmation is sent for me to leave Khartoum. I have just received a phone call asking me to depart from here. Your prayers is needed as these people are waiting very enxious to receive the Holy sacrament of baptism. May God open the way for us as I travel with my wife to witness the hardship of driving 550 miles and jumping onto a donkey to complete the remaining 17 miles as my vehicle can not make it through. Two of my staff are joining me on this important trip whre hundreds of people are waiting to receive the word of God. In doing this exercise, we have seen Christ as the King whose authority shall never come to an end. For it is said; "His authority shall grow continually, and there shall be endless peace, for the throne of David and his Kingdom. He will establish and uphold it with JUSTICE and with righteousness from this time onward and forevermore. Isaiah 9:7". Since the time the Republic of Sudan got its independence in 1956, more than 10 rules have headed this country, each with his own constitution and style of leadership. Each ruling without justice and righteousness. The Sudanese people have suffered under the different leadership of human kings. But now, many have come to discover the leadership of Jesus Christ as the only perfect and right system of leadership. Where justice, righteousness, love, forgiveness and reconcilliation can be achieved freely. The leadership or reign of Jesus brings consul to the Sudanese hearts in their suffering, hunger, displacement. They have comfort in his rule and kingship. It is this leadership that the Sudanese people have come to say we need Jesus to be our Lord, King, Savior and governor of our lives. He came to save the sinner and bring hope to the helpless. We thank him for making it possible for our Church to be part of bringing this gospel of true leadership to the Sudanese people. The message of hope, love, forgiveness of sins and salvation to all through Jesus Christ. I want to say thanks to those who have contributed greatly to this wonderful work in Sudan, particularly to the Executive Director of Lutheran Heritage Foundation Rev. Robert L Rahn. Many thanks goes to brothers and sisters in all the Churches who have given support for God's ministry in Sudan. It is our prayer and request that, you continue to help us preach Christ to these souls, so that they are kept within the truth they have discovered. Your support will enable us add more list of people who are ready to receive Christ in their lives. May God bless you all as we celebrate the birth of Christ who is the only leader ruling with justice and righteousness. Yours in His service, Andrew Mbugo Elisa _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at + + + Confessional Lutherans in Missionary Boldness + + + The CLIMB e-letter brings you unedited, uncut reports directly from the mission field, whether in South America, Africa, Europe, inner-city, rural, or collegiate America, or military installations and battle sites around the world. It is our contention that those who truly hold to the ~Book of Concord~ as the pure exposition of Holy Scripture and the true confession of the Christian faith are also the most zealous supporters of the preaching of the Gospel in every corner of the world and, as such, ought to be kept thoroughly informed of how those endeavors are faring and shown how they may be rightly carried out without the destruction of orthodox doctrine and practice that some within the pale of Lutheranism now advocate. 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