From: "Rev. Robert L. Rahn (by way of Rev. Eric J. Stefanski, )" To: Subject: CLIMB: LHF Welcomes Scott Benjamin Date: Friday, November 02, 2001 12:54 PM We are pleased to announce Scott's arrival on our staff. Before arriving in MI from St. Petersburg, he spent a week visiting our sites in the former Soviet. As he settles in here there will be a gradual dissolving of the Lutheran Russian Mission Society with which he worked. We are giving the LRMS constituents an opportunity to fund their final commitments to the organization and to Scott. By the end of this year the LRMS will be totally phased out. At that point we will absorb one of their Board Members into our Board as we continue certain components of the LRMS. Scott is open to your speaking invitations except for some Sundays in June when he will be back in Russia. Scott's E mail is >< and the phone number is listed in the article below. We believe that Scott's experience in teaching, pastoring, and missioning, will be a great asset to the LHF. His knowledge of the Russian language is also a special tool for our work. R.Rahn FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE By Rev. Robert L. Rahn LHF Executive Director LHF Welcomes Rev. Scott Benjamin The Rev. Scott Benjamin joined the LHF staff on March 1, 2001 to serve as Mission Support Counselor. Rev. Benjamin’s career began as a high school teacher at Walther Lutheran High School, Melrose Park, IL, from 1978-81. He then taught at Grace Lutheran School, Menomonee Falls, WI, from 1981-85. Scott entered Concordia Theological Seminary and obtained a Master of Divinity Degree in 1989. Scott served Our Savior Lutheran Church, Baraboo, WI, both as a Vicar and Pastor from 1988-1997. From 1994-95 he took a year’s sabbatical as a volunteer missionary in Russia. During his tenure at Baraboo he also served a mission congregation- Our Redeemer, Mazomanie, WI, in 1996. In 1997 he was Called to serve full time at Our Redeemer. In 1998 he returned to Russia under the auspices of the Lutheran Russian Mission Society (LRMS), which he organized. The LHF supported the work of the LRMS in the area of translating and publishing Russian authored children’s books and materials. Rev. Benjamin has developed a three year course of religion lessons for children in grades 5-7 in Russian based on stories from the Old and New Testament. The LRMS is being dissolved with some of the work continued through the LHF. Rev. Benjamin is married to Ginny (nee Schmidt) and has 12 year old triplets Amy, Matthew, and Peter. The experience of Rev. Benjamin in the area of education, and his capability in the Russian language, will be a great blessing for the work of the LHF in Russia and other areas of the world. Rev. Benjamin is available to serve as a mission speaker and can especially relate to the former Soviet scene, having first traveled to Russia in 1992. To schedule a mission presentation for your church or group please call 1-800-554-0723. + + + Confessional Lutherans in Missionary Boldness + + + The CLIMB e-letter brings you unedited, uncut reports directly from the mission field, whether in South America, Africa, Europe, inner-city, rural, or collegiate America, or military installations and battle sites around the world. It is our contention that those who truly hold to the ~Book of Concord~ as the pure exposition of Holy Scripture and the true confession of the Christian faith are also the most zealous supporters of the preaching of the Gospel in every corner of the world and, as such, ought to be kept thoroughly informed of how those endeavors are faring and shown how they may be rightly carried out without the destruction of orthodox doctrine and practice that some within the pale of Lutheranism now advocate. You may contact the authors of individual posts to this list simply by using the 'Reply' feature of your email reader (unless otherwise indicated in the above message). Because of the demands of their endeavors, there is the possibility that not all responses will be able to be answered. You may freely discuss the contents of these columns on other mail lists AND, (unless otherwise indicated) as long as proper acknowledgement is provided, you may reprint them for dissemination via free media. List subscription instructions (found below) should also be included. Subscribe? Send any message to: Unsubscribe? Send any message to: For more information on this or other lists offered by Confess And Teach For Unity, you can contact the CAT 41 list administrator at: Rev. Fr. Eric J. Stefanski + + + Confess And Teach For Unity + + +