From: "Barb Kavouras (by way of Rev. Eric J. Stefanski, )" To: Subject: CLIMB: Chaplain Field Report 10/5/01 Date: Friday, November 02, 2001 12:54 PM Barb K Cleveland Field Report 10/5/01 Dear Friends, This report will be short, but I do wish to keep you informed, and hope that you find these reports enlightening and faith-building. I will be leaving Tuesday October 9th for NYC. I'll work seven straight days, in eight hour shifts, at the dump on Staten Island. This is where all debris is brought and sifted to recover human remains, evidence and any personal effects which might be identified and, later returned to the families. Consider this an official solicitation of prayers on my behalf, as well as for all who are ministering to those who serve and protect us. Today is my 6th anniversary as a chaplain. I've had great opportunities in those years to bring the Gospel hope to many people, firemen, policemen, agents of the FBI and more than a few victims of crime and fire as well. Now it seems that the opportunity is increasing exponentially, because we're waking up from our slumber and asking the important questions. God's judgment (whether preached or demonstrated in real time) has a way of doing that, and it is all meant for our good. If we hear the answer we do well - believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved. (Acts 16:31) That's a promise you can take to bed with you at night and to your grave. As regards my going to NYC, this all came about because of the troubles I've already told you about at the Somerset, PA crash site. I told you of the opposition I faced, and explained how the head agent sent there was a Christian. I told you that he agreed with my strong stand on preaching the Word of God rather than "feel good" bromides, to these beleaguered FBI souls. You heard further of the great success which the Word of God accomplished in bringing supreme comfort to them. Apparently, this agent gave a favorable report to the head chaplain in Washington, who requeste my presence in NYC. This is unusual because they like to rotate chaplains, and give everyone a chance at the plate. Now this is not meant to glorify Chaplain Kavouras. My only claim to fame is the same as St. Paul's in 1 Timothy 1:15 "chief of sinners" in whom the mercy of God is greatly active. But it is intended to say that what some people meant for evil, God meant for good (Gen. 50:15). God-willing I will find more plentiful opportunity to impart the Words of Life from Scripture to many burdened souls. There was one notable discussion today with a person at the Cleveland (FBI) Division. It seems that one employee was quite upset because in her church they preach that we should turn the other cheek and that revenge over this matter is wrong. What a terrible thing to burden any conscience with, since this is wrong-headed theology at best; and worse to burden the conscience of a person whose God-given (Romans 13) vocation it is to bring about that justice - at the point of a gun if necessary - and it will be. I explained to her that she was the victim of sanctimonious non-sense, especially since self-defense can hardly be called revenge. Further, though revenge belongs to the Lord (Romans 12:19), He often carries it out through channels such as armies and law enforcement agencies. Pastors, please be sure to review the difference between the "kingdom of grace" and the "kingdom of power" and teach this to your people. Check out the meaning of the fifth commandment in the catechism and also Article 16 of the Augsburg Confession for more explanation of the Bible's correct teaching on these matters. Most likely my next communication will be from NYC. Till then, the peace of God which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ. Remember to invite your people and neighborhood to your own special memorial/prayer service on October 11th. Use the familiar and comforting hymns, prayers, liturgies and portions of Scripture for this. Below is a text you might want to preach on. "Whether we live, therefore, or die, we are the Lord's" Romans 14:8 Rev. Dean Kavouras, Chaplain FBI Cleveland Division and Cleveland Safety Forces Cleveland, Ohio + + + Confessional Lutherans in Missionary Boldness + + + The CLIMB e-letter brings you unedited, uncut reports directly from the mission field, whether in South America, Africa, Europe, inner-city, rural, or collegiate America, or military installations and battle sites around the world. 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