From: Barb Kavouras Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 7:23 AM To: Confessional Lutherans in Missionary Boldness Subject: CLIMB: Chaplins Field Report 4-23-02 Chaplain's Field Report Staten Island, NY Fresh Kills Landfill (Dutch name meaning 'fresh water') Tuesday April 23, 2002 Dear Friends, This report comes to you from Staten Island New York. My arrival here this morning for a six day tour of duty has been a wonderful and somewhat heart-rending enterprise so far. Your encouragement, interest and prayers have carried me through difficult times in the past, and as I compose this letter I'm comforted knowing that you will once again share the inexpressible events of this place with me. My presence here is due to LCMS Pastor Richard Turner of whom I've spoken in the past. Pastor Turner is a chaplain with the FBI's Houston Division and the Baytown Texas P.D. When our respective tours of duty ended last Fall, we agreed that they were too short. We both wanted more than anything to come back and extend our opportunity to bring the light of Christ to this darkest national disaster. At that time my fellow pastor, big-hearted fellow that he is, suggested giving the troops a Texas barbecue, and that's what he did. He raised the funds and sent some twenty-eight Baytown policemen and civilians here to do exactly that. Four of them left Texas six days ago and drove two pickup trucks (what else?) complete with giant pits and everything else needed to make New York salivary glands pucker. Today the rest of the crew arrived at Newark International and is holed up at Mount Manresa, a Jesuit Retreat House on Southern Staten Island in the shadows of the Verrazano Bridge. Sadly Pastor Turner's wife became quite ill. Unable to leave home, he asked if I could stand in for him for the week. He didn't have to ask twice. Coming back to this place after six months was, as stated above, both happy and sad. I was pleased to see some old friends still at the landfill (and they to see me); and very glad to once again walk the compound and bring the Glad Tidings to these folks. Most importantly, as part of the barbecue I requested, and was granted permission, to hold a special Service for the entire compound on Thursday of which I'll say more below. The moment I entered the landfill, drove up the winding roads, heard the noises and smelled the smells, all time between October and now instantly vanished! I had never left. I briefly checked in with the FBI and NYPD command posts to let them know I would be on scene for the week and immediately began to pound the pavement. Dressed in clerical collar and FBI regalia, armed with the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, and packing my digital camera (to save myself thousands of words) I began to walk that familiar territory and the response was extraordinary. As I've said before, the so-called "ministry of presence" is not the be-all and end-all that cowardly Christianity has made it out to be, but it is something. The collar and the pastoral concern that came with it, and the Word of God (both spoken and printed) were as welcome as I'd ever seen. Though there are many Biblical metaphors, the prophecy of Isaiah 35:7 most readily comes to mind, "The burning sand will become a pool, the thirsty ground bubbling springs." Though most of our nation seems to have slipped back into their pre-September cultural coma, the people here have been living a non-stop horror just by coming to work each day. With only the slightest scratching, I found some very raw souls anxious to talk, wanting to tell their stories and to express the significance of why they were here and what they were doing. One woman, a Salvation Army volunteer from Fargo ND, has a day job as a computer specialist for a company who serves American Airlines. On Monday September 10th she got a call late at night about a computer glitch from an American Airlines booking agent. With some patient work, she was able to fix the problem and get that agent's anxious couple booked on a flight for the next day - a flight which never made it past the World Trade Center. That's why she's here. When today's photos make it to the website, you'll see a picture there of Vinnie and DJ, two civilian contractors working at the site. They too were eager to talk to the chaplain, to ask questions, but mostly to communicate their concerns and their fears of what might happen next. Both quite conservative for this part of the country, they worried about the serious moral decline in our land and what judgment we might be bringing on ourselves. I left each of them an Easter sermon based on 1 Corinthians 15:54 which promises that "When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true, Death has been swallowed up in victory." May this pledge of Christ our Risen Savior give them both the consolation they seek. Some of the NYPD command staff attended a dinner yesterday for several families of those who perished in this mass murder. They told me how, by the work done here, they were able to present still-grieving relatives with sometimes only the scantiest of remains (in one case DNA identified teeth); and what abundant joy such relics afforded the bereaved. Then in a rare candid moment, they told me how touched they were, and how they could barely keep their own composure at the gratitude shown them. I also visited with the auto recovery unit in their own special area of the Landfill. It's their job to examine many hundreds of vehicles for the purpose of identifying them by their VIN (vehicle identification number) and to search them for any human remains or personal possessions which might be returned to families. The extreme condition of destruction, beyond belief, meant that many of them had to be cut or spread with the "jaws of life" so a thorough search could be conducted and items recovered. This was my first 90 minutes. Later back at the command post I again was able to view some of the items found: clothing, drivers licenses, wallets, walkie talkies - things hard to look at if you're not careful, and let yourself think about them. So it looks like I'll be in for some long days this week and request your prayers on behalf of this particular ministry. My day will start at the landfill about 7:30 a.m. and end about 5:30. As before, I will open both NYPD roll calls (8:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.) with prayer and Scripture, and meet with the two FBI Evidence Response Teams (ERT's) on site which are comprised of eight agents each. In addition to those hours there is prep time, field reports, travel and laundry (which must be done each day as the dump is laden with enough interesting things to keep several EPA types busy all day long). While the first three are labors of love, the last two are necessary evils. As I understand it, a Texas barbecue takes several days to prepare. The briskets started cooking today and will be continuously cooked/smoked until Thursday, at which time they're supposed to melt in the mouth. Because of this special event, there will be a longer than normal lunch period and before the lunch we'll conduct the special Service mentioned above. You'll receive both a copy of the Service and manuscript of the sermon in an upcoming report. I was told by a priest in the area who did the Ash Wednesday and Good Friday services here that he was allowed only 15 minutes. But since I was coming 500 miles I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask for more time than that. I contacted the NYPD man in charge of the whole site, Inspector James Luongo and asked if I could have about 45 to 50 minutes. He readily agreed and so it will be. I've enlisted the assistance of Pastor Bill Wrede from Queens to assist me. Pastor Wrede (LCMS) is an area chaplain and has spent untold hours preaching the Gospel to people in connection with 9/11. He is also an organist and will round up a keyboard/organ to play the hymns, prelude and postlude. As an added bonus, his family is visiting from out of town and will join us to help lead the singing. Thank you good Brother. Lodging was arranged for us at the Jesuit Retreat House named above; Father Jack Ryan and his crew are tireless servants whose love and dedication to one and all is remarkable. Thank you again for spending these moments with me and for your multifaceted support. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Rev. Dean Kavouras, Chaplain FBI Cleveland Division Cleveland Safety Forces "Jesus lives the victory's won, death no longer can appall me. Jesus lives death's reign is done, from the grave Christ will recall me. Brighter scenes will then commence, this shall be my onfidence." TLH 201. + + + Confessional Lutherans in Missionary Boldness + + + The CLIMB e-letter brings you unedited, uncut reports directly from the mission field, whether in South America, Africa, Europe, inner-city, rural, or collegiate America, or military installations and battle sites around the world. 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