From: "D.C. Kavouras (by way of Rev. Eric J. Stefanski, )" To: Subject: CLIMB: Field Report 9/13/01 Date: Friday, November 02, 2001 12:28 PM Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: As time allows and worthwhile information occurs, I will supply you with these reports about my chaplaincy work during this crisis, amongst the Cleveland Safety Forces and the FBI, whom I serve as chaplain. Tuesday was spent with the Cleveland Police who were on high alert for follow-ups and possibly anarchy which might follow such an event as NYC/WASH. Wednesday was spent mostly with the FBI, agents and support staff, many of whom were very down and worried about their own safety even coming to work at a federal office building. Tonight I spent time with Cleveland's Fire Department, opening their union meeting and time of mourning for their lost brothers of the FDNY. I am on standby, along with the other roughly 100 FBI chaplains across the country, to offer our services to the FBI agents and other rescue workers in NYC and WASH. Our ministry is primarily to these people. They deal with the ugliest parts of life *every* day. It's a task so strenuous and dangerous; so laced with threats and lawsuits; criticism and camcorders, that many pay a high personal price. We sometimes forget that they too are mere humans who at time shake their heads in disbelief, feel helpless and who sometimes want to roll up into a little ball and cry ó but whom we have charged with doing an heroic task and from whom we tolerate no weakness. We don't turn away victims and witnesses of terrible events, but our main concern is the spiritual well-being of people who clean up the devil's own mess. We (at least I, for most chaplains are useless liberal handholders) explain the ugliness of life from a theological perspective to those who believe and those who are seeking the truth. Our answer: the wages of sin is death -- here's the evidence that that is true. But our joy is this: the gift of God is eternal life, in Christ Jesus our Lord -- and then we explain all that that means! And by God's own promise, upon such planting and watering in 1 Cor. 3, the Holy Spirit "gives the increase." Now you never know what twists and turns you'll meet as a chaplain. Our work takes place on the street, on the back bumper of fire trucks, in ambulances and police cars, in emergency rooms and court rooms, at kitchen tables and at the altar, pulpit and font. Last night I accompanied the FBI and CPD in following up on one of the THOUSANDS of leads called in. I donned my ballistic vest and off we went to a very creepy place. Tonight, however, my work was pure theology. A note was forwarded to me. It was from a military chaplain, a Roman Catholic priest, who wanted to comment on the current crisis. His theology, as so much has been lately, was universalistic, and not in keeping with the truth of the Gospel. Below, I have included my response to him. This came into especially sharp focus today, though, because the Fire Department invited me to take part in a mermorial service on Monday, at St. John's Cathedral in Cleveland remembering all our fallen comrades. But you know and I know, that I can't do that. I will chokingly attend, or at least be there early and probably stand outside for most of it, but only as an observer; and only in order to show my support and talk with people individually afterwards, and there to preach the true Word of God. I probably won't be in a clerical collar; and all who see me there will know that I didn't participate, and when asked, I'll tell them why. But if I can help it, I don't want to have people think of me as a nutcase, sectarian -- which is almost unavoidable given today's faulty understanding of Christianity. I have too much trust and respect built up; and too many opportunities on a one/one basis to preach the truth we all need to hear so desperately. So I'll walk that tight rope as much as conscience allows. We'll see where this all goes. I swore I wouldn't ever attend another RC police funeral. I'll work in the background, but I can't take these brazen insults to my Lord. I won't take a place up front unless I'm in charge and its in my church -- and no one else will be up there. No non Luth. clergy, no lay readers, no politicians. Below is my response to the RC chaplain. From it, you'll be able to figure out who said what, etc. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, Rev. Dean Kavouras Cleveland, Ohio Dear **** Dear ***** J.S. forwarded your note dated 9/13/01 to some people on his email list, I being one of them. If you remember me, I am Dean Kavouras, Cleveland Police Chaplain. We met about a year or two ago at Jim's house and had dinner together. I can't help but express my dismay at something in your note, and something I've heard echoed from at least two other Roman Catholic sources, one being a Bishop (but I don't know from where right now). I refer to the "universalism" (for lack of a better term) expressed when you said "We depend on God *by whatever Name*." The second RC source referred to above said something to the effect that: we can only process this situation by the holy writings, whether they be the Bible or the Koran ... But both these statements implied, and said in so many words, that there is another God besides the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that the Koran and others are reliable revelations of the One true God. Both statements are false, of course. And I'm dismayed if Roman Catholicism teaches otherwise. It's especially puzzling, because you quote the words of Jesus, from the Bible, twice, in regards to loving enemies and not being too anxious to take vengeance -- and you quote them as if they are authoritative; and even though those words are very offensive to the way people are feeling these days. But there are other offensive words of Jesus (and his Apostles) which are just as authoritative which such a universalistic theology denies. So how can we trust and depend on those words you quoted from Jesus, in the Bible, if the following are not reliable or true: "This is life eternal, that they know You the *only true God* and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." Jn 17:3 "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father, *but by me*." John 14:6 "I am the gate, whoever enters *through me* will find good pasture." John 10:? "Whoever has the Son has Life, whoever does *not have the Son does not have life*." (1 John 5:12) "If a person acknowledges me before men, I will acknowledge him before my Father in Heaven; if a man denies me before men, I will deny him before my Father in Heaven." Mt. 10:32 I know why people are doing this. Not just Roman Catholics, but liberal Lutherans and most of Protestantism as well. Even the famed Billy Graham after OKC made some universalistic statements. They do it to avoid the scandal of particularity which the Word of God preaches from beginning to end. And to avoid the persecution which accompanis such offensive truths. While such statements may make people feel good, and may make us all feel like one big happy family, univeralism is deadly, because it makes people feel good about the quicksand they are sinking in. There is no other God but one, and that this the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost; revealed reliably in Scripture and no where else. If there is another, then we either deny or transgress the first commandment: "You shall have no other gods." Yes we live in a pluralistic society; no we don't want to jail or in some way persecute those who don't believe and teach this truth (though soon we may be severely persecuted for *our* faith). But in public and private a clergyman who calls himself Christian must affirm the truth of the first and greatest commandment; the one from which all the others flow. As Lutherans we teach this in our catechism: What is the first commandment: "You shall have no other gods". What does this mean: We should fear, love and trust in God above all things. I urge you, then, by the mercies of Christ, our dear Redeemer, who redeemed us at so high a cost -- His holy and precious blood; by whom we complete remission of all our sins; expungment of all our guilt; removal of all the curse of sin; life and salvation; grace and apostleship; peace with God and life everlasting -- I urge you in His name to trust in Him and to proclaim Him as the one, divine, all-sufficient and reliable cure for sin and for death, whatever form or in whatever massive waves it affects us. This is what we need today, and always. Sincerely, Dean Kavouras Rev. Dean Kavouras, Asst. Pastor - Christ Lutheran Church Chaplain, Cleveland Safety Forces Cleveland, Ohio Rev. Dean Kavouras, Asst. Pastor - Christ Lutheran Church Chaplain, Cleveland Safety Forces Cleveland, Ohio + + + Confessional Lutherans in Missionary Boldness + + + The CLIMB e-letter brings you unedited, uncut reports directly from the mission field, whether in South America, Africa, Europe, inner-city, rural, or collegiate America, or military installations and battle sites around the world. It is our contention that those who truly hold to the ~Book of Concord~ as the pure exposition of Holy Scripture and the true confession of the Christian faith are also the most zealous supporters of the preaching of the Gospel in every corner of the world and, as such, ought to be kept thoroughly informed of how those endeavors are faring and shown how they may be rightly carried out without the destruction of orthodox doctrine and practice that some within the pale of Lutheranism now advocate. 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