...is for those who love to study God's Word and want to grow in theological understanding by brief and intense study of a particular issue or topic. Like a symposium presentation, ePosium begins with the posting of a paper and then invites reactions, questions, and, possibly, debate on the topic covered. Because we are not limited to a certain time or place or fee schedule, ePosium is able to bring both 'renowned' theologians and those lesser known, but often quite gifted, thinkers you might not otherwise be able to justify the expense of hearing.
ePosium's 'papers' will be presented in multiple formats: straight ASCII text via email (to make responding easier) and Rich Text Format (.rtf, able to be opened by any modern word processing program) and/or Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf, used by Acrobat Reader) for ease of printing and reading.
To Subscribe to this free and on-going symposium, send ANY email to ePosium-on@CAT41.org by clicking on this link.
If you need a copy of Adobe's FREE Acrobat Reader program to view or print the .pdf files in our archive, click the 'Get Acrobat Reader' icon that follows.
Enter our Archives to retrieve the latest ePosium paper or one from discussions past: ePosium Archive